
Showing posts with the label History

The American Gun Industry Pioneered 'Product Placement'

Watch the video to know how: Buy a copy of 'Catlin the Artist Shooting Buffalos with Colt's Revolving Pistol' ca. 1855 on Source: Samuel Colt: Arms, Art, and Invention (Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art) by Herbert G. Houze 10 Things You May Not Know About Samuel Colt by Christopher Klein Samuel Colt and George Catlin: Art and Product Placement by Rsimonse Catlin the Celebrated Indian Traveller and Artist, Firing his Colt's Repeating Rifle Before a Tribe of Carib Indians in South America Americans Really Like Their Guns by Kim Hjelmgaard

The "Soap" Opera History of Content Marketing

Content marketing began long before the internet.  Radio was an early adopter of content marketing. And one of the most prominent examples of this type of advertising is the  soap opera . In fact, content marketing led to the creation of the monicker "soap" opera.  In the golden age of radio, advertisers sponsored entire programs, usually with some sort of message like "We thank our sponsors for making this program possible", airing at the beginning or end of a program. One of the most successful examples of such advertising is  Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins - In 1933,  P&G chose it's brand Oxydol to sponsor its first radio serial, Ma Perkins .   The fifteen minute show ran five days a week and mentioned Oxydol's name twenty to twenty-five times during each episode. P&G received 5,000 letters complaining about Ma Perkins within the first week. But by the end of the first year, sales had doubled. In fact, t his commitment is regard...